Chiropractic care is not just for straightening your spine. Dr. Alex Rogers of New Life Wellness Center in Myrtle Beach offers chiropractic adjustments for any shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle issues you may be having.
You may be experiencing pain, fatigue or weakness in any of these areas, which are often symptoms of fixations misalignments or other issues in the joints of your extremities. Lack, or reduced movement, is often a red flag and New Life Wellness Center care can be your best treatment solution.
New Life Wellness Center understands that a misaligned spine often can throw limbs slightly out of balance, leading to uneven wear and tear on joints above or below the affected area. Over time, these misalignments can lead to reduced activities, flexibility and increased pain.
New Life Wellness Center uses gentle, safe chiropractic adjustments to treat your upper and lower limbs and target the specific areas of discomfort. Each patient's treatment regimen is custom to their age, body, and physical condition.
New Life Wellness Center is located at 325 Wellness Drive in Myrtle Beach. To make an appointment, call 843-450-7632.